Overview of the Footer Bar (Pro)

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  3. Overview of the Footer Bar (Pro)

Overview of the Footer Bar (Pro)

The theme allows you to customize the footer bar section with the below options.

Location: Appearance >> Customize >> General Settings >> Footer Bar

  • Footer Bar Layout: Select the footer bar layout one is left & right aligned and the second is centered aligned.
  • Section 1: When selecting the centered aligned layout, the section 1 option will appear. From this option, you can select custom HTML content, Footer Menu, and Widgets.
  • Section 2: When selecting the left & right aligned layout, the section 2 options will appear. It works the same as the section 1 option.
  • Border Color: Change the color of the footer bar top border.
  • Border Radius: Set the size of the border.
  • Border Style: Select the border style like Solid, Dotted, Dashed, etc.
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